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A Note from the Artistic Director:


Producing independently is definitely challenging but I am convinced the right way to go. I’ve been down this path before and have successfully raised/produced in the millions. Granted that was in a different medium—theatre, but the same standards of excellence apply and I feel confident we’ll ultimately reap the same results! THE DIVA MOM SHOW will succeed and find its home on a network. BUT…we’ll get there MUCH quicker with your financial and social media support. Every dollar we raise is accounted for through our Fiscal Sponsor, “Streams of Dreams,” replete with monthly financial reports and year-end tax-deductible donations filings. 


Won’t you please use the link below to make a small (or LARGE) donation. We have an EXCELLENT record with our funders for reporting and honoring our commitments!


Thanks in advance!! We will keep you updated on our success in developing the pilot and our future pitch meetings.  


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